Why you need a mobile app

See why a mobile app is so important for online shopping in today's world
Jeran Fox
August 31, 2023

These days, almost every shop has recognized the advantages of launching a website, but it might not be immediately obvious why you should launch a mobile app.

At Hex, we think of the decision to go mobile as similar to the decision to take a physical shop online — open a tailored shopping experience in a place where your customers are spending more of their time.

In this article, we'll explore why having a mobile app for your store is essential and how it can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Mobile shopping trends

In recent years, there’s been a noticeable surge in the use of smartphones worldwide. As individuals spend more time on their devices, it's natural their shopping habits might follow suit.

  • In 2022, mobile devices made up almost 60% of web traffic. source
  • That same year, mobile accounted for over 40% of US e-commerce sales. source
  • During BFCM, that number grew to over 50%. source

We’re only expecting to see these numbers increase, which makes it more important than ever to start creating a plan for m-commerce.

Mobile app vs mobile web

So it's now evident that more people are shopping on mobile devices, but your website already works on smartphones right?

Of course, it’s incredibly important that your website functions well on mobile, but to leverage the full potential of m-commerce you’ll need an optimized mobile app.

  • On smart devices, users spend over 80% of their time in apps vs in the browser. source
  • From a performance perspective, a 10s load time increases customer bounce rate by over 100% compared to a 1s load time. source
  • Consequently, conversion on a mobile app vs mobile web is nearly 100% higher. source

There are several factors that can differentiate your shop, but it’s consistently shown that customers prefer to spend their time using well-performing apps.

Mobile feature highlights
Push notifications

Push notifications are a powerful tool that you only have access to through a mobile app. They’re delivered directly to your customer’s lock screen, have a high click-through rate, and best of all, they’re free.

  • Push notifications have a 20% click-through rate compared to email’s 3%. source

At Hex, in addition to being able to send push notifications whenever you want, we have a host of automated smart notifications to intelligently engage your customers, for example by reminding them if they left an item in their cart.

Simplified checkout

With a mobile app, customers can stay logged in and save their checkout details for a near instant checkout experience.

  • Mobile checkout shows only a 20% abandonment rate compared to 68% for desktop web and 97% for mobile web. source

At Hex, we prioritize ease of checkout for the customer. In addition to saving their checkout details, we offer autocomplete if they ever need to type an address, and we’ve built a full address book so they can manage multiple addresses effortlessly.


Since a mobile app lives directly on your customer’s phone, there are many opportunities to personalize their experience. An app can let them keep track of their favorite items, it can store their recent searches, and they can even save their dark mode preference. Certain data, like favorites, purchases, and search history can also be leveraged for personalized recommendations.

  • Personalized push notifications can result in a 4x increase in click-through rate. source

At Hex, your customer’s shopping experience is a top priority. Our designs and features are specifically tailored to help you build long-lasting relationships with your customers by letting them shop their way and giving them useful tools to empower them with the convenience of mobile shopping.

Final thoughts

As mobile shopping continues to grow, online stores are beginning to recognize the need to optimize for it.

It’s also clear that customers prefer using mobile apps. With personalization options, a streamlined checkout, and direct marketing through push notifications, a mobile app is the obvious answer to your m-commerce strategy.

Today, it’s simpler than ever to launch an app for your store. Try out Hex for Shopify, and give your customers the shopping experience they deserve.